
Contact Persons

Mauro Bortolotti

Mauro Bortolotti

Sales Director


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    Stefano Zandali

    Stefano Zandali

    BU-Manager Tool Steel & HSS


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      Luca Bonvini

      Luca Bonvini

      KAM & Technical Manager


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        Sales office and logistics center

        Via Palizzi 90
        20157 Milano

        Phone: +39 02 35 797 1

        Fax: +39 02 35 797 295


        Sales office and logistic centre

        Via Arrigo Olivetti 9
        10148 Torino

        Phone: +39 011 22 016 91

        Fax: +39 011 22 027 61

        Sales office and logistic centre

        Via Nuova Zelanda 4
        35127 Padova

        Phone: +39 049 87 933 11

        Fax: +39 049 87 908 90

        sales office

        Via Achille Grandi 22/B
        25128 Brescia

        Phone: +39 030 35 819 15

        Fax: +39 030 35 819 22

        sales office

        Via Quasimodo 46
        40013 Castelmaggiore (BO)

        Phone: +39 051 75 959 5

        Fax: +39 051 75 951 0

        Contact Form

        Contact us for further information

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