Legal Information
This page provides you with legal information regarding the internet presence of Böhler division of voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A.(
The information that voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. makes available on the website has been compiled with the utmost care and is regularly updated and expanded with respect to both accuracy and completeness. We would like to apologize for any accidental or unintentional mistakes that may be detected and apologize as of now.
voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A.excludes any responsibility or warranty in relation to the accuracy, completeness and correctness of the information made available on this site and for any consequences resulting from the use of said information. In particular, this exclusion also applies to links to other sites that may be reached through our site. In relation to third party sites, voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. has no influence on the content, consequently voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A.excludes any responsibility for their content. voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. does not verify the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in third party sites and is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of information obtained from such sites or for the application of data protection measures.
voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. reserves the right to change or modify the information or data made available without prior notice. In relation to contents of the site that refer to the future, these are based on the opinions and assessments of the management of voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A.and, consequently, are subject to risks and uncertainties.
voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. assumes no obligation to provide updates. Any liability for upgrades is excluded. Any decisions made by the user that are based on the information on the Böhler site division of voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. fall under the responsibility of the user. voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. excludes any liability for damages of any kind including consequential damages occurring in connection with the use of information made available by Böhler division voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. on the website.
The content, including images, and graphic form of the Böhler website division of voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. are subject to copyright law and other laws protecting intellectual property regardless of any designation (e.g. ©, ®, TM or other).
Duplication of documents is permitted for personal or popular use only. Any other duplication, distribution, reproduction or transmission or other use including without limitation the use of texts, parts of texts, material images or software which may directly or indirectly be retrieved from the website of Böhler division of voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. is only permitted with the prior consent of voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. Modifying the content of the site, including framing or other similar measures, is not permitted. Translated with (free version) No license is given through this site to use the intellectual property of companies in the voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH group. Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks used on the site are the property of the voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH group and are protected by trademark law. This particularly applies to the company’s trademarks and designations.
voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. welcomes your interest in our Group and its products. To enable us to fully respond to your inquiries, we ask that you provide us with your personal information. The provision of personal data is totally voluntary. Any user of the websites of voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. and voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH agrees that voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. or voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH have all rights of use over the data made available by visitors. As a global company, the voestalpine High Performance Metals GmbH Group operates several sites around the world. Any information that visitors provide to our sites may be transmitted within the group companies, from any country to any country, where this information may be used, saved or processed.
“Ai sensi della normativa di cui al Regolamento Europeo 2016/679 , i Suoi dati personali saranno trattati dalla voestalpine High Performance Metals Italia S.p.A. Via Palizzi, 90 – 20157- Milano.
Data may also be processed using electronic media. Your data will allow us to receive information useful for improving the quality of our services. Le ricordiamo che, ai sensi della normativa di cui Regolamento Europeo 2016/679, Le è riconosciuto il diritto di richiedere, in qualunque momento, la cancellazione, la modifica e l’accesso ai suddetti dati.”